First Published in 2004. Despite its centrality to the whole process of teacher education, the supervision of student teachers is still a very much neglected subject. The commonly held conception of a supervisor is of someone with the sole function of going into schools to observe student teachers and make suggestions about theory teaching practice. Professor stones fundamentally questions this view, arguing that much of the dissatisfaction expressed with teacher education is a result of training institutions teaching students about teaching instead of how to teach; the supervisor's role should, he argues, be far more pivotal one in the production of effective teachers. His central theme is a reconceptualization of the role as one that should involve a co-operative function rather than a purely adjudicatory one. He emphasizes forms of theoretical studies and stresses an approach based on joint exploration of teaching by student and supervisor. Throughout, the book offers specific guidance to supervisors based on the author’s considerable practical experience. It will be an important text for all those wishing to explore new ways to enhance the effectiveness of student teaching.