One squadron from Delta Force arrived in Saudi Arabia in early February 1991, as part of the Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF). Whilst the British SAS through the tales of Bravo Two Zero and Victor Two, seemed to steal most of the headlines in 1991. Delta Force also played a vital role in hunting down and destroying the Scud missile threat in the Iraqi desert. In response to coalition air strikes against Iraqi forces in the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam Hussein ordered a series of SCUD missile strikes against Israel. These were of little military value, however, Saddam Husein realized the political impact. He knew Israel would want to enter the war to retaliate, which would have then dissolved the Arab coalition of countries aligned with the US against Saddam. The hunt for SCUD missiles was hard; due to the mobility of these launches. These mobile launches needed to be found fast and eradicated.