1928. With a foreword by Dr. W.A. Evans, Health Editor, Chicago Tribune. The book is composed of a group of lectures which Stone had given on hundreds of occasions. From the Introduction: The road of the pioneer is hard. For more than twenty years, I have been pioneering in the field of social hygiene. During that time I have had opprobrium of all kinds heaped upon me. I have been called crank, fool, radical and heaven knows what else for many of my friends have been considerate enough to keep what unpleasant things they have heard to themselves. Fortunately, I was cast in the mold of an individualist. To my immense satisfaction and to the chagrin of certain social hygiene organizations and workers I have been able to keep myself free from entangling alliances. What I have said and written has come from a heart filled full of a desire to serve and to give in full measure.