If you knew exactly how much money you would need at retirement, you could figure out how much risk you'd have to take to get there. You could stop focusing on finding the next hot investment and set about building your overall net worth. You'd develop a plan to manage your existing assets and future resources to meet your anticipated needs. Private Money Management: Switching from Mutual Funds to Private Money Managers supplies a blueprint of investment objectives that does just that.
Private Money Management: Switching from Mutual Funds to Private Money Managers gives you the confidence and ability an ever-expanding, competitive marketplace of investment products demands. From basic investing to advanced planning, you get step-by-step strategies to achieve your financial goals. You will understand which combinations of investments will give you the highest probability of making up any shortfalls, lower your costs, and operate your investment program fully aware of the tax consequences.
Get in-depth coverage of:
Investing for retirement
The power of tax-deferral
IRAs and the Roth IRA
Retirement plans for the independent business
401(k) or 403(b)
Annuities and variable annuities
Social Security: good news to save you money
Financial planning on the Internet
Selecting your financial advisor or investment advisory team
Qualifications you should demand from your money manager
How to analyze an investment and read a prospectus
Invest to pay for college
Leave the gambling to others, and base your decisions on accurate information. Your investment program should be designed to meet your financial goals, not beat the stock market. Private Money Management: Switching from Mutual Funds to Private Money Managers provides you with an investment strategy that has the highest probability of achieving the absolute dollars you need, within your time frame, and with the appropriate level of risk - and will teach you how to use it.