The Thrifty Guide to Ancient Rome - A Handbook for Time Travelers
The Thrifty Guide to Ancient Rome: A Handbook for Time Travelers is a snappy, informative travel guide that comes in the package with your time machine purchase in the year 2163. It contains information vital to the sensible time traveller: Where can I find a decent hotel room in ancient Rome for under five sesterces a day? Is horse parking included? What do I do if I'm attacked by barbarians? What are my legal options if I'm fed to the lions at the Colosseum? Designed as a parody of Fedor's, complete with humorous maps, reviews of top attractions (Julius Caesar's assassination is a must see!), and tips on who to have lunch with (Hannibal, assuming he doesn't kill you). If you had a time travel machine and could take a vacation anywhere in history, this is the only guidebook you would need.