The 36th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook analyses developments in 2004 in
o Security and conflicts
o Military spending and armaments
o Non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament
The SIPRI Yearbook contains extensive annexes on the implementation of arms control and disarmament agreements and a chronology of events during the year in the area of security and arms control.
Studies in this volume:
Euro-Atlantic security
Major armed conflicts
Multilateral peace missions
Governing the use of force under international auspices
The greater Middle East
Latin America and the Caribbean
Environmental security
Financing security in a global context
Military expenditure
Arms production
International arms transfers
Arms control and the non-proliferation process
Nuclear arms control and non-proliferation
Chemical and biological weapon developments and arms control
Libya's renunciation of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and longer-range missile programmes
Conventional arms control
International non-proliferation and disarmament assistance
Multilateral export controls
The Proliferation Security Initiative
The annual accounts and analyses are extensively footnoted, providing a comprehensive bibliography in each subject area.