This new edition of Rosemary Stewart's successful book has been completely revised and updated to take account of the enormous changes that have occurred within the health service since the first edition. The book is aimed at those who hold, or intend to hold, a responsible job within the National Health Service. Its aim is to persuade the reader that there is a need for leadership within the NHS and then to make the reader think boldly about what he or she wants to achieve. Everyone should have an ideal to aim at. The book describes the ideal for a variety of relationships, which can then be used as a check-list to develop the readers' own ideal. In talking about the difficulties that may be met in striving towards this ideal and how to overcome these difficulties it should help readers to develop their own leadership qualities. Specific changes made since the last edition are: * new case studies which take account of the many new jobs and new opportunities for leadership in the new NHS * a new introduction and a chapter on teamworking within the NHS * many other changes made within chapters to reflect changes in work.