FACT- Insulin causes our bodies to store excess sugar as fat FACT- The only way to control insulin is to control your intake of sugar FACT- Low-fat diets don't work because they're usually filled with sugar SUGAR BUSTERS!is not a diet but an eating plan that excludes certain foods- basically, foods that contain refined sugars and carbiohydrates and starches that intensify the production of insulin. It contains a suggested 14-day eating plan and easy-to-prepare gourmet recipes, as well as lists of foods to avoid, acceptable foods and suggested sub-stitutes for excluded foods. Pan-roasted filet mignon stuffed with blue cheese and a warm haricot vert and bacon salad, with a glass of wine is a typical Sugar Busters! gourmet recipe. BENEFITS- *lose weight and keep it off *lower cholesterol levels and increase energy levels *no deprivation which leads to bingeing *can also help diabetes sufferers