Flies for Bass & Panfish is far and away the most comprehensive guide to the bass and panfish flies currently being used on North American waters. Many experienced fly fishermen and guides from all parts of the United States have contributed to this large, contemporary reference. Never before has such an extensive reference been available to the warmwater fly fisherman.Large, bright photographs depict each fly individually, and they are accompanied by a complete and accurate description of the fly's components, making this an indispensable guide for fly tyers interested in constructing their own flies.Additional history and comments about the origins and use of each fly serve as a selection guide for the curious fly fisherman.Included are flies covering everything from realistic nymphs used in Northern smallmouth bass waters to big, plug-type flies used for largemouth bass in the South. Frogs, crayfish, snakes, leeches, mice, insects, and baitfish-all are represented by expert fly tyers from throughout the nation.Anyone interested in warmwater fishing will find Flies for Bass & Panfish a useful and interesting addition to their library.