Rob has a grand residence overlooking the sea at Redgrove Port. He is always entertaining guests and hosting elaborate get-togethers – it is safe to say he has done very well for himself! He is a high flyer, a sucessful business-robin with his own designer range and has all the latest design technology. He is king of the robin airwaves but his head has been in the clouds for far too long. It is not that he is unkind – only that he has lost sight of the most important things in life. Suddenly, he is brought back down to earth. The source of his success vanishes into thin air, the very air that he has dominated for so long. The search is on! His robin friends and staff flock to his assistance. No nest is left unturned but the source of his success has flown. His riches are not a peck of use to him any more. Christmas is fast approaching and it seems that time flies even when you are not having fun. Can the source of Rob’s success be found? Will Rob be in the skies before Christmas? Or will he remain firmly on the ground..?