In 1913, The Bookman, Hodder & Soughton's monthly magazine (1891-1934) devoted a special edition to the genius of Robert Louis Stevenson. The Man and his Work are celebrated in a broad collection of biographical and literary sketches, poetry, prose and criticism interleaved with portraits, photographs, facsimiles of letters, book illustrations, drawings and paintings. Apart from writing by Stevenson himself, contributors include J.M. Barrie, H.C. Beeching, Sidney Colvin, S.R. Crockett, Austin Dobson, Edmund Gosse, W. Hatherall, Neil Munro, W. Robertson Nicoll, Charles Robinson, Eve Blantyre Simpson and William Watson. It is a fascinating view of the man who in the sixteen years of his active literary life - from 1878 to 1894, the year of his death - produced an extraordinary variety of writing in prose, poetry and letters. In the years following its first publication Stevenson's celebrity and literary status declined; this reprint - in the Rediscoveries series - aims to contribute to the current re-evaluation of his skills and insight as an author.