From 2005 to 2009 a survey and excavation project was undertaken at the Stone Village, a small settlement on the eastern desert plain of Amarna, not far from the Workmen's Village. This was the first concerted effort to record this site, and introduce it into the story of Amarna. The fieldwork revealed a community of labourers likely engaged in tomb-cutting and related tasks, including at the Royal Tombs, but of lesser social standing than the occupants of the Workmen's Village. The piecing together of diverse strands of archaeological evidence sheds light on their experiences, the Stone Village serving jointly as a new source for the study of Amarna's vernacular urban architecture. The results of the fieldwork are presented in two volumes, the first devoted to the survey, excavation and architecture, and the second to the faunal and botanical remains, and objects.
Contributions by: Alan Clapham, Rainer Gerisch, Chris Stevens