Modern Measurement: Theory, Principles, and Applications of Mental Appraisal presents a wide array of information on diverse but fundamental aspects of test theory and its application to practical problems in mental measurement for the advanced student and measurement professional. In general, these ideas can be classified under measurement science. The chapters build from foundations of mental assessment, beginning with a description of cognitive appraisal, moving through classical measurement theory, reliability, scaling, test and item construction, generalizability, theory, item response theory (IRT), and on to item analysis, test equating and linking, and special issues of test administration, such as computer-assisted testing and computer-adaptive testing.
Written for students and teachers alike, this book is a must have for anyone who will be involved in measuring students successes. Readers will find the book written in a very accessible language that helps them understand the content. Modern Measurement by Steven J. Osterlind is a must have for students that need to understand measurement.