BizBuilder Student Resources CD
Packaged with the text is the BizBuilder Student Resources CD which includes the following:
- BizBuilder Business Plan Worksheets that provide step-bystep instructions on building a business plan
- BizBuilder Business Plan Template which is a professionallooking format into which content from the business plan worksheet can be inserted
- BizBuilder Business Plan Presentation Template that guides students through creating a PowerPoint presentation for their business plan
- Sample Business Plans that use the Worksheet Template and the Professional Business Plan format
- Several Business Plans
- PowerPoint Review of each chapter
Students build their business plans using the BizBuilder worksheets. Appendix 8 provides students with instructions on how to use the worksheets that mirror the planning process in the book and contains more questions in some areas than found in commercially available planning software. Once they have created a plan using the worksheets, they can generate a professional-looking document using the BizBuilder Business Plan Template or Business Plan Pro software.
How BizBuilder Works
BizBuilder Business Plan CD: Worksheets, Templates, Example Plans
Students are directed to progressively build an effective Business Plan, utilizing the BizBuilder Business Plan Worksheets.
Students follow a three-step process:
- Step 1: Students use the BizBuilder Business Plan Worksheets to work through every aspect of a business plan
- Step 2: Students use the BizBuilder Business Plan Template to create a professional-looking business plan from their worksheets
- Step 3: Students use the BizBuilder Business Plan Presentation Template to create a PowerPoint presentation of their business plan
The BizBuilder CD also includes a set of sample Student Business Plan Worksheets, a Student Business Plan Template and a Student Business Plan Presentaiton that students can use as a guide. Appendices include instructions on how to create a business plan using Business Plan Pro software, and the business plan for Venture magazine.