SOHO. London's most notorious and unforgettable village. The Bohemian heart beating at the city centre for more than three hundred years. The place where respectable West End theatres, gay bars, hookers and sex shops vie for your pound, dollar or yen less than a mile from Buckingham Palace. Sit outside one of Soho's many street cafes for any length of time and you'll see a huge variety of people passing by. A handful will have been born there, most are visitors who've come to work, to seek out sensation or to cruise for sex. But some came once, got seduced or found what they were looking for, and never left. SOHO NIGHTS is the uproarious, witty and touching saga of an engaging cast of characters - straight, gay, black, white, old, young - who share an ancient house in Soho and whose personal stories, separate yet intertwined, funny as well as dramatic, smash all social and sexual barriers.