Vinyl / 12" Album
1. Metronomic Underground
2. Cybele's Reverie
3. Percolator
4. Les Yper-sound
5. Spark Plug
6. Olv 26
7. The Noise of Carpet
8. Tomorrow Is Already Here
9. Emperor Tomato Ketchup
10. Monstre Sacre
11. Motoroller Scalatron
12. Slow Fast Hazel
13. Anonymous Collective
1. Freestyle Dumpling
2. Noise of Carpet (Original Mix)
3. Old Lungs
4. Percolator (Original Mix)
5. Cybele's Reverie
6. Spark Plug
7. Spinal Column
8. Emperor Tomato Ketchup
9. Les Yper-sound
10. Metronomic Underground
11. Percolator
12. Tomorrow Is Already Here
13. Brigitte
14. Motorola Scalatron
15. Anonymous Collective