Did You Know?
In medieval times, Cheshire was a County Palatine with its own independent parliament.
The village of Willaston hosts the annual World Worm Charming Championships.
With 86,000 ponds, Cheshire claims to be the pond capital of Europe.
Cheshire cheese is the oldest named cheese in England.
The Little Book of Cheshire is a fast-paced, fact-packed compendium of the sort of frivolous, fantastic or simply strange information no one will want to be without. Here we find out about the most unusual crimes and punishments, eccentric inhabitants, famous sons and daughters and hundreds of other facts, plus some authentically bizarre bits of historical trivia.
This is an ideal book to have by your bedside or to while away the hours on a long train journey. And if you like to take part in pub quizzes – or set them – then you will find this book a veritable treasure trove of useful information.