"The authors of The System: Igniting the Soul of Commerce have written an extraordinary guideline for success in the workplace and for living life in general. One of the main themes they present is the plain fact that too many of our children are hopelessly unmotivated and ill-prepared to function in what we think of as the real world. "The book is appropriately called a business novel, and I expect to see more works emerge from this relatively new genre: the reason is that the world of commerce dominates our existence more and more with each passing decade. The characters presented here are true to life, their problems are very real, and their hard-won solutions are eloquently expressed. The lessons we learn are both evocative and inspiring. "I've spent half a lifetime teaching creative writing. Some of my students have gone on to greatness in the literary world. Yet not a single one would have dreamed of using the novel form to educate readers in how to be successful in their careers or as evolved human beings. Such themes have seldom been the purpose of fiction. But I sense that our culture is now changing in a way that will accommodate or embrace such a pragmatic approach. I hope business people everywhere, whether shop owners or aerospace executives, will read this book and share it with their employees. Finally, parents and teachers alike can profit from the strategies offered us in this imminently readable guide to life." William Allen, Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University