Create your very own gratitude journal!
This make-your-own monthly planner with stickers
and holidays, offers gratitude oriented exercises for the month
and specific kindness/gratitude/positive challenges that span
a week.
Start the calendar at any time of the
year with customizable pages.
Over 125 activities and ideas teach
readers to recognize happiness, kindness, and gratitude
Includes 250+ stickers
12 sticky note designs
16 paper bookmarks to craft
76 page book
What is Klutz?
Klutz is a premium brand of book-based activity kits, designed
to inspire creativity in every child. Our unique combination of
crystal-clear instructions, custom tools and materials, and hearty
helpings of humor is 100% guaranteed to kick-start creativity.
Super-clear instructions
Open-ended Creativity
Rewarding Reading
Skills to Build On
Everything You Need