From DreamWorks, the studio behind the megahit movie SHREK 2, comes the story of four New York zoo animals unexpectedly shipped to Africa and shipwrecked on the island of Madagascar. There they must learn to fend for themselves finding food and water and shelter while learning to get along with the locals--a pack of lemurs. Can the Zoosters resist their wilder impulses and pull together to survive?
This 8x8 storybook features the Central Park Zoo portion of the tale, and includes a gatefold map of the zoo grounds!
Cuatro animales del zoologico de Nueva York terminan embarcados en un buque que encalla en la isla de Madagascar. Alli, deben aprender a defenderse por si mismos y a llevarse bien con los habitantes del lugar, una camada de lemures. Podran los animales del zoologico contener sus impulsos mas salvajes y unirse para poder sobrevivir? Este libro de 8 x 8 contiene la primera parte de la historia e incluye un mapa del zoologico.