"A frank, thorough history and review of service-learning....Service-Learning is a critical piece of the large service-learningmovement. It is an ideal guide for new service-learningprofessionals, faculty members, academic or service administrators,and hopefully, public policymakers."
--Pade Informer
In this fascinating collection of stories, leaders inservice-learning describe their early efforts to combine educationwith social action. Their reflections help construct a pedagogy ofservice-learning that will inspire newcomers and guide programdevelopment. The authors assess pioneering experiences andrecommAnd steps for future policy and practice, emphasizing thecritical need to preserve an activist commitment as programs becomeincreasingly institutionalized. This highly readable book willassist academic leaders, faculty members, student servicesprofessionals, educational researchers, adult educators, and publicpolicymakers who seek a common understanding of the origins,purposes, and objectives of this vital learning initiative.