The preanalytical phase of laboratory testing - defined as the time from test ordering by the physician until the sample is ready for analysis - encompasses numerous critical steps. The correct specimen must be obtained from the correct patient using correct technique, and specimens must be handled and processed in a manner which ensures specimen integrity. Along the way, there are numerous factors and variables where medical error may be introduced, with the potential to impact patient safety. It is estimated that preanalytical errors may account for up to 70% of total laboratory errors. In addition, delays and rework in the preanalytical phase prolong the time from order to results. As such, improvements in this area may deliver the greatest gains in the overall quality of laboratory services and patient care, and can help control the overall costs of healthcare delivery.
This book provides an overview of the preanalytical phase, including test ordering, patient identification, specimen collection, specimen handling and processing. In each step of the process, the variables which influence result accuracy and turnaround time are identified and discussed. Guidelines and best practice recommendations are also included.