This is the thirteenth of a series of novels that revolve around JP Parker a 100 year old retired New York City private detective from the 30s, 40s, and 50s. In a story narrated by his wife, Doris, Parker is hired by a high school boy to look into the sudden mysterious disappearance of his older sister. With the investigation yielding very little about the college girl, Parker and his wife instead become intrigued about the childrens' odd parents. Does their personal politics, odd late night meetings, and friends have anything to do with what happened to their daughter? Along the way Parker and Doris also encounter a flamboyant minister, FBI agents, and a vengeful police detective. In what way are these people involved in the mystery or is there something even bigger going on? When the case soon veers off in ways neither could have anticipated, including murder, the Parkers find their lives seriously threatened as they work together to find the real reason for "Disappearing Donna".