Robot Investigator by Vincent Stall follows a lonely robot on an expedition to a mysterious planet that looks a lot like Earth. The story unfolds like a parallel universe Wall-E as the robot explores what appears to be a pristine landscape. He meets curious gerbil-like animals and stumbles on ...a band of feral humans. Who were they? Why did they turn into wild men? Robot Investigator is both sweet and melancholy, cute and grisly. Stall's silent sequences are drawn with an inky, lush, and elegant line filled with expressionistic colors. Robot Investigator is Stall's masterpiece. The book also includes a sixteen-page robot parts catalog. Vincent Stall is an artist, cartoonist, and designer. Since 1999 he's been running Puny, the renowned animation and design agency responsible for, among many other things, The Venture Brothers, and animated sequences on Yo Gabba Gabba! He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his wife and daughter.