This work is the second part in an important, five-volume series addressing the unique role libraries have played in building and preserving Western culture. Mr. Staikos has become one of our foremost scholars on library history, writing such books as this as well as works like "The Great Libraries," a classic in its field.
This second volume reveals the development of the Roman booktradition built from and with knowledge of the Greek tradition. The origins of Latin literature are described and its impact on Roman cultural life, private libraries, booktrading in the Republic. Other subjects are the establishing of the first public libraris in Rome during the era of emperors and the contacts between emperors and authors. Followed by the history of the libraries in Rome in the first 4 centuries AD and libraries in the rest of Italy and the Roman provinces. Through well-researched text and many full-color illustrations, the author guides his readers over 1800 years of mankind's struggle to preserve his knowledge by the written word.