Why this particular topic? Why the incredible detail, the result of such painstaking research? Because, I am convinced, that the subject is a part of the central core of Canadian history. In the two decades between the World Wars, Canada developed greatly, building upon the sense of solidarity gained in the first of these conflicts. Much of this was facilitated by the development of technology, of which aviation was a major part. Oddly enough, for such a laisser faire society it was the Canadian government that played a leading role in this, and the RCAF and its predecessors was its instrument. Not only did the "bush pilots in uniform" pioneer myriad aspects of aviation in all parts of Canada, but despite a miniscule budget and a suspicious parliament and populace they maintained the nucleus of a military air arm which slowly developed into the framework of the wartime RCAF. But, whatever honour is due to the men (and it is great), it is the aircraft that provide the visual impact and the structure of the narrative.
Illustrated by: Anthony Tattersall, Terry Higgins