The first in an exciting new mystery series featuring ex-police dog handler Charlie Whelan When two young sisters run away on Dartmoor, Charlie Whelan and his German Shepherd, Taz, are called into action - his past experience as a police dog handler having helped find a missing toddler just weeks earlier. A desperate search of the wild and wintry moor quickly turns up one of the girls. However, rather than showing relief at being rescued, she seems terrified, and Charlie cannot help but notice the strange behaviour of her father and uncle. The encroaching darkness halts their hunt for her elder sister, and Charlie returns home with one distressing question on his mind: just what had the girls been running from? But Charlie is trying to outrun his own demons. He left the police force after a number of disturbing events and now, as he tries to uncover just what happened that night on the moor, his former life is threatening to catch up with him -