This bilingual landmark anthology contains the work of 30 of the major Spanish poets of the twentieth century translated by some of the major poets of the United States and reappears in print for the first time in two decades. The poets include Machado, Jimenez, Guillen, Lorca, Alberti, Cernuda, Hernandez, Aleixandre, de Otero, Salinas, Unamuno and others. The translations are by Bly, Haines, Hall, Ignatow, Kinnell, Levine, Merwin, St. Martin, Stafford, Strand and Wright, among the most important poets of their generation. Contributors include: Miguel de Unamuno, Antonio Machado, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Federico Garcia Lorca, Vincente Aleixandre, Rafael Alberti, Leon Felipe, Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillen, Gerardo Diego, Emilio Prados, Luis Cernuda, Miguel Hernandez, Luis Rosales, Gabriel Celaya, Blas de Otero, Gloria Fuertes, Jose Luis Hidalgo, Jose Hierro, Carlos Bousono, Angel Gonzalez, Jose Angel Valente, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Claudio Rodriguez, Francisco Brines, Carlos Sahagun and Manuel Vazquez Montalban.