This is the only book that reflects the range of dispute resolution processes in New Zealand. It presents the main features of each dispute resolution process and gives guidance on skills which can be applied. All chapters have been fully revised and updated and each chapter concludes with a practical exercise which is used to illustrate and apply the information presented. Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 9 have been rewritten by new authors to reflect new developments and perspectives. Chapter 4 on Investigation is a completely new chapter. Investigative processes are increasingly being seen as a specialist area of dispute resolution, and are particularly important in dealing with disciplinary matters. The book is directed to those involved in dispute resolution processes in New Zealand, and is aimed at enhancing the knowledge and the skills required to make the most effective use of the dispute resolution options available. Dispute Resolution in New Zealand, 2nd edition is an essential resource for law students and for qualified lawyers, who are increasingly being required to address the full range of dispute resolution processes available.