The field of embryology has experienced a period of explosive growth since the previous edition of this book was published nearly a decade ago. The insights of genetic expression in determining the unfolding of the embryonic layers have revolutionised our understanding of some of the mechanisms of embryogenesis.
As implied by the title of the new edition, Craniofacial Embryogenetics and Development, genetics is linked with embryology in this text. Virtually all embryological development has an underlying genetic component, and the basic science of genetics is the key in uncovering the many mysteries of embryogenesis. The tools of molecular genetics have provided insights into developmental mechanisms that allow us the ability to identify transient regions of genetic expression patterns.
Unraveling the precise biochemical and mechanical interactions of discrete regions in the unfolding embryonic components remains a dauntingly-complex challenge to understanding the conversion of the genome into the phenome. The addition of genetic information gleaned from other mammalian species might aid in dissecting human embryology into comprehensible components to understand normal and abnormal development. This new edition is dedicated to this objective and will prove invaluable to plastic and orofacial surgeons, otolaryngologists, orthodontists, neonatal pediatricians, speech pathologists, teratologists, embryologists, and anatomists.
Key Features:
Provides clinicians with a basic background for assessing and treating craniofacial anomalies.
Describes recent technical advances in optical projection tomography, photoacoustic and 3D imaging, small-angle X-ray scattered (SAXS) tomography and morphometrics and their impact on embryogenetics.