Korvaava tuote: 9780131408135 This book is best suited for a course on inclusion or mainstreaming. It also may be appropriate for introductory courses in special education, methods courses in special education, and courses on collaboration.
Thoroughly revised, Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Effective and Reflective Practices, fourth edition, provides a practical and research-based, non-categorical approach to creating inclusive classrooms for ALL students, regardless of learning ability, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, linguistic background, or family structure. Unlike many texts, which focus mainly on including students with physical or mental disabilities, this text focuses on practical strategies for helping teachers create environments where instruction is truly individualized to meet the needs of ALL students who face challenges that might affect their learning. By incorporating the themes of diversity, reflective practice, collaboration and technology, the book is consistent with NCATE and other professional standards for preparing teachers to work in today's diverse classrooms.