What are the Brown Mountain Lights? Geologist Ed Speer investigates North Carolina's most famous ghost story-the 120-year-old legend of mysterious nighttime lights reportedly seen on or near Brown Mountain in Burke County. Speer's three-year study involved the help of dozens of individuals, comprehensive literature review, two remotely-controlled cameras operating all night long, multiple carefully-staged light tests, telephoto- and telescope-assisted photography, and countless hours of personal observation and ground search for the elusive lights. Both manmade and natural lights were identified, including some highly unexpected ones; however, history, science, and human nature were each found to play major roles in the understanding and interpretation of the lights people see.
Researchers, investigators, historians, story tellers, local residents, believers in the legend, and those observers seeking more information about the lights they have seen will find this book useful. As will those who just enjoy a good mystery story. Visit either of the two most-popular observation sites (identified in the book and readily accessible on public land) and maybe you too will catch a glimpse of a mystery light!