This book considers the academic treatment of biblical interpretation in the renewal movement, the fastest growing tradition in Christendom today.
After an initial chapter surveying the history of biblical interpretation in the renewal tradition, Part II outlines a proposal for the future of biblical hermeneutics in the tradition. Six renewal scholars address key questions. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in biblical interpretation? What are the distinctive presuppositions, methods and goals of renewal biblical hermeneutics? Three prominent biblical scholars (Craig G. Bartholomew, James D.G. Dunn, R. Walter L. Moberly) respond to the proposals outlined above. These critical responses deepen the examination of renewal biblical hermeneutics as well as increase its appeal to biblical and theological scholars in general.
The final chapter offers a synthesis and evaluation of the accomplishments of the discussion, as well as an assessment of the state of the discipline with an eye toward the future.