The first true and pure translation into the English language of the New Testament from the God-authorised Greek Writings of the prophets and apostles.Jesus said to Martha: 'Everyone living and believing in me will most certainly not die throughout the Eon. Do you believe this?' She said to him, 'Yes, Lord.'The pure translation of Matthew to Revelation radiates with the energizing light of Christ. After nearly two millennia, out of the Science of Deep Grammar and Transcendent Logic and Internal Harmony and Diamond-Mining Research, what had remained for centuries untranslated in purity and truth is now translated in purity and truth.This hoists the world the right way up. Minds are changed, hearts are healed, strongholds and arguments demolished, histories and epochs rewritten, corruptions overthrown. The coming of a new Eon is announced - the government of God and Christ.This is a message as strong as Noah's. Earth's greatest secrets are brought to light. The bell is beating and the sun is setting on the present civilization of darkness and evil...A bright new eon is coming, times of global renewal and conquering death.This is the vision of the prophets restored.
The Eonian gates are swinging open. This is the resurgence of the true gospel of God and Christ.The book: is translated from a newly-compiled Greek text, believed the best; 'translates back to the same original' translation method, rather than fashionable paraphrase, so is much closer to the underlying Greek; is the true gospel promise of 'Eonian life' which will change the world; has far more accurate renderings, especially in the Gospel of John; corrections of manifold traditional errors, and at last correct readings.