The adventures of three animal friends who live on the beautiful Isle of Wight. The friends are Pal, a wise border collie dog and the two piglets Patsy and Pickle.
It was Pal to the rescue when he found out the piglets were doomed and were going to be made into sausages. Luckily Pal had been told of how they should travel to reach the safe and secret place known as Harmony Heaven. After many exciting adventures they arrive at this magical place. There they meet its guardian, the magnificent Oliver Gruffle. Although looking like a large teddy bear, Oliver is in fact an alien being.
But what teddy bear has a golden star on his forehead, human looking hands and alien special powers? Well, Oliver has.
Surrounded by talking animals and strange beings, the friends love their new home and they love Oliver Gruffle too. Little do they know they are going to have more exciting adventures that will be just MAGICAL.
How will Oliver Gruffle react when he finds out a grey squirrel called Sizzle is looking for Harmony Heaven. The island is a haven for red squirrels only. So what will happen if Sizzle Squirrel dares to come to the island?