Taxation of Loan Relationships and Derivative Contracts, Tenth Edition, is updated in line with the Finance Act 2015 which brings in significant changes to the loan relation rules. In addition, it includes changes to both UK and International Accounting Standards.
This new edition covers developments in the Basic Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPs) project and the related new climate and wider concept of tax avoidance (GAAR). The chapters covering accounting framework, reorganisations and international aspects have been significantly updated since the previous edition and new chapters have been added with a summary of all relevant cases and a chapter covering Islamic Finance.
Covers the following:
The Taxation of Finance
Accounting under IFRS and Modified UK GAAP
The Scheme of the Legislation
Loan Relationships: Scope and Definition
Loan Relationships: General Computational Provisions
Loan Relationships: Special Computational Provisions
Impairment Losses
Foreign Exchange and Hedging/Deferral
Reorganisations, Acquisitions and Disposals
Special Companies
Derivative Contracts – Definition and Scope
Derivative Contracts – Measurement of Profits
Embedded Derivatives
Worldwide Debt Cap
Transfer Pricing
Stock Lending and Repos
International Aspects
Islamic Finance