For the first time, these rich and insightful lectures by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh on the most important elements of the Creed of the Orthodox Church are available to read in this beautifully-produced volume. 'The Creed,' said Metropolitan Anthony, 'which we recite in the liturgy and which we proclaim as our faith, is not only an introduction into the faith. As everything in Christianity, it possesses in an accessible, simple form an endless, unfathomable depth of content and understanding.' The lectures were delivered between 1977 and 1980 and have been carefully transcribed from audio recordings. The chapters are: Faith; The Nature of God; God as Creator; Jesus the Word of God; The Son of God in the Teaching of the Church; Redemption and Atonement; The Mother of God; Salvation from Sin; Resurrection and Ascension; The Holy Spirit; The Church; and Baptism and Life in Christ. This collection is edited and introduced by Canon Dr John Binns, and the Foreword is written by former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.