CD / Album
1. The Sorceress Reveals - Atlantis (Interlude)
2. The Land of the Wind
3. Stories, Songs and Celebrations
4. Divine Love (Interlude)
5. Divine Love
6. Fate and Destiny (Interlude)
7. Fate and Destiny
8. Gold and New Horizons (Interlude)
9. Gold and New Horizons
10. The Battle of Giants (Interlude)
11. The Battle of Giants
12. Tears of Fury (Interlude)
13. Tears of Fury
14. Zeus Unleashed (Interlude)
15. Zeus Unleashed
16. Atlas Condemned (Interlude)
17. Atlas Condemned
18. Our Atlantis (Interlude)
19. Our Atlantis
20. The Sorceress Reveals - Atlantis (Prologue)