VLSI Analog Circuits: Algorithms, Architecture, Modeling, and Circuit Implementation, Second Edition
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VLSI Signal Processing Principles, Practices, and Applications
This comprehensive resource shows how very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology can be effectively deployed in real-world electronics to meet cost, power, function, and reliability requirements. VLSI Analog Circuits: Algorithm, Architecture, Modeling, and Circuit Implementation, Second Edition, is a textbook for advanced electrical engineering courses that shows, step-by-step, how to analyze and solve practical design problems using VLSI. You will get up-to-date discussions on VLSI passive, active-RC, MOS-C, Gm-C, CTI, SC, and SI analog filter circuits. Mixed-mode configurations, VLSI RF signal processing, and circuit tuning techniques are explained in full detail.
Coverage includes:
• VLSI continuous-time signal processing fundamentals
• VLSI active-RC, MOS-C, and VLSI Gm-C circuits
• VLSI continuous-time current-mode filters
• VLSI discrete-time signal processing systems
• VLSI switched-capacitor and switched-current circuits
• Frequency-scaling and transformation techniques
• Mixed-mode VLSI analog signal processing
• Component and ladder simulation-based VLSI design
• Practical design aspects of VLSI analog filters
• VLSI RF signal processing circuits
• Digital-based analog signal processing circuits