Over the last decades, the term resilience became predominant in many disciplines. One significant field of investigation for the ecological resilience is agriculture, both in urban and peri-urban areas. If the food systems organized the territories for ages, today modern agro-industries contribute to maximize production with little regard to the impacts on the environment. In term of food supply, the more cities cut themselves off from countryside the more they become fragile ecosystems. Estimating the real food demand on local scale, implies therefore, taking into account more sustainable practices, by monitoring the input and output of energy/production fl ows according to the concept of regional foodshed. Cr(eat)ing Cities addresses the question of how localized food production in the form of urban agriculture will contribute to a climate-optimized smart city model, supporting also the re-thinking of open space potentials. In this sense the principle of multifunctionality become an integrative factor applied to urban landscapes in order to react to the specific challenges of contemporary city, in terms of living space, services and food.