It is time for a new sexual revolution. It's time to take sexy back.
The very notion of sexual pleasure has long been hijacked from women. Today's sexual climate leaves little to no space for honoring the complexities of sex-sex as pleasure, sex as connection, sex as creative expression, sex as communication, and sex as healing. This is particularly true for young women navigating today's dating world, who need to be able to identify which sexual choices feel authentic, pleasurable, and joyful, and which ones leave them feeling "less-than."
In Taking Sexy Back, relationship expert Alexandra Solomon-author of Loving Bravely-offers a powerful and holistic approach to help you reclaim your sexuality, communicate your desires, draw boundaries, be safe, and build the satisfying relationships you truly want. Regardless of your current relationship status, you'll learn to cultivate your own sexual self-awareness and use that awareness to create sexual experiences that elevate, connect, expand, and heal you.
Sex is about more than what your partner enjoys or finds sexy. It's about more than having an orgasm or finding the "right" positions. This book offers a road map to help you reclaim your sexual power. It offers time and space to think and feel, and to ask yourself the important question-what do you want?