Cherry Red Asu: CD-äänilevy Vuosi: 2010, 29.11.2010
CD / Album Rock/Pop Progressive
Kappaleet: 1. White Kite 2. Eos 3. Odds Bullets and Blades (Part One) 4. Odds Bullets and Blades (Part Two) 5. Song of the Sunbird 6. Puffin' 7. Huffin' 8. Number Three 9. The Nodder 10. Surrounding Silence 11. Soft Space 1. K's Riff 2. The Nodder 3. Two Down 4. The Spraunce 5. Song of Aeolus 6. Sideburn 7. The Tale of Taliesin 8. Organic Matter/One Over the Eight 9. Soft Space (Part One) 10. Soft Space (Part Two)