This is a new annual journal exploring the world of architecture, design, and technology. As our world expands, its components are becoming infinitely smaller: smartphones, microchips, mp3's, teacup Chihuahuas and so forth. We have become obsessed, and increasingly adept, at compacting complex systems and ideas into cute little packages. Ironically, while the objects are becoming smaller, the modes of operation have become incredibly efficient in fragmenting holistic systems into a list of parts. The design community is tasked with the exciting challenge of exploring new means and narratives in response to the contemporary compacted landscape. What could be the new methods in organizing complexities embedded in our social networks and consumer culture? What is the role of designers in a world that asks for hyper-specialization? What are the potentials of small in mobility, transferability, economy, new materials, and customizations? This is the inaugural issue of Mole Magazine, an annual journal interested in all architecture, design, and technology.