For years, the raven-haired heroine Vampirella has hunted the world’ssupernatural threats, all the while fighting back her own bloodthirsty nature.After a night out in Boston leads to particularly brutal violence, she seekscomfort in her Brownstone home... but discovers the most unexpected surprise ofall. Angels have been sent to her by God — and they come asking for help!Enter Janus, a former soldier in the legion of Heaven, who skirts the linebetween the damned and divine. Only a fallen angel can navigate Vampirellathrough the seedy, demon-run underworld, where she hopes to find the source ofan addictive, body-altering drug derived from archangel blood. WillVampirella’s mission redeem her... or will she uncover secrets so shockingthat their discovery will damn her forever?
Visual artist(s): Johnny Desjardins, Giuseppe Cafaro, Kajo Baldisimo, Jojo Aguilar