The problem of producing geometric constructions of the linear representations of a real connected semisimple Lie group with finite center, $G_0$, has been of great interest to representation theorists for many years now. A classical construction of this type is the Borel-Weil theorem, which exhibits each finite dimensional irreducible representation of $G_0$ as the space of global sections of a certain line bundle on the flag variety $X$ of the complexified Lie algebra $mathfrak g$ of $G_0$.In 1990, Henryk Hecht and Joseph Taylor introduced a technique called analytic localization which vastly generalized the Borel-Weil theorem. Their method is similar in spirit to Beilinson and Bernstein's algebraic localization method, but it applies to $G_0$ representations themselves, instead of to their underlying Harish-Chandra modules. For technical reasons, the equivalence of categories implied by the analytic localization method is not as strong as it could be. In this paper, a refinement of the Hecht-Taylor method, called equivariant analytic localization, is developed. The technical advantages that equivariant analytic localization has over (non-equivariant) analytic localization are discussed and applications are indicated.