Discover your purpose for life, and do it deliberately. Often times we get a vision or a thought in our minds that won't go away. Without the know-how of bringing that vision full circle, it lays by the way side. This is similar to what happens when a crush stays incubated in a shy mind. You walk away without finding out where that road would have led you. I call that the "coulda-shoulda-woulda" syndrome. It is said "the only sin in failing is if you never tried." I implore you through the tools shared in "Marrying Your Vision" to take an internal inventory of where you are as it compares to where you know/dream you should be. As you turn the pages, you will see the correlation between the stages leading up to marraige, and the process involved in developing the vision God has whispered to you. Focus on each of the four levels as if your life depended on it...because your bloodline actually does.