This is a core resource for nursing educators and students at all levels who seek fundamental information on the art and science of caring. The text is comprised of 36 classic book chapters and journal articles written by leaders in the caring arena. Co-published with the Watson Science Caring Institute, it will also be a primary resource for students attending WSCI programs and for in-service education programs, especially in hospitals with or seeking Magnet status. The text includes a digital teacher's guide with power points for key concepts, multiple choice questions for each chapter, and covers a variety of nursing settings with corresponding reflective questions. Questions range from simple to complex, and relate to the requirements of students at different academic levels.
The book is organised into nine topics which address the evolution of caring scholarship, systematic reviews of the concept of caring, theoretical perspectives, seminal research studies, research designs and methods, practice models and theoretical frameworks for the integration of caring within contemporary hospital-based practice environments, caring within a community health environment, leadership and administrative issues, and the future of caring science.
Key Features:
Presents the seminal literature on caring
Co-published with WSCI
Structured thematically, with section introductions and summations
Provides reflective/critical thinking questions per chapter and per academic level
For use in baccalaureate, graduate, doctoral level, and in-service education and as a core resource for WSCI programs
Includes digital teacher's guide