Discover a new and exciting way to put your stash of fabric scraps to good use with this collection of adorable three-dimensional rag-rug projects, which can be adapted for use as children's playthings, pet toys and home accessories.
`Progging' is the name for this style of rag mat-making in north-east England, where the author creates her range of Proggy (R) kits, supplies and tools, but the method is familiar the world over.The technique is easy to master and has been a traditional way of creating mats for centuries - simply cut your fabric into strips and push it through the holes in some hessian backing.
Here you will find it given a refreshingly modern twist that moves it beyond the usual two-dimensional rug format, with instructions for making 20 fun and funky three-dimensional stuffed animals. With a few simple adaptations to the backing, filling and eye materials, the projects can safely be used as soft toys by children, chew toys by pets, or put to use as door stops and draught excluders around your home.