This Wasn't Supposed to Happen to Me: 10 Make-Or-Break Choices When Life Steals Your Dreams and Rocks Your World
Learn the 10 critical choices necessary for wholeness and recovery after life's tragedies and disappointments. <P>Blending scientifically-validated psychological truths with spiritual principles, Dr. Beverly Smallwood enables readers to overcome the unexpected and unthinkable. Giving readers a roadmap of 10 major choices, she offers hope that no matter what has happened, going forward, we all have the power to choose. <P>Through the power of choice readers will be able to move from: Denial to Reality Victimhood to Responsibility Why to How Doubt to Faith Bitterness to Forgiveness Guilt to Self-Forgiveness Depression to Grief Avoidance to Courage Isolation to Connection Powerlessness to Purpose <P>