Television, Social Media, and Fan Culture examines how fans use social media to engage with television programming, characters, and narrative as well as how television uses social media to engage fan cultures. The contributors review the history and impact of social media and television programming; analyze specific programs and the impact of related social media interactions; and scrutinize the past fan culture to anticipate how social media programming will develop in the future. The contributors explore a diverse array of television personalities, shows, media outlets, and fan activities in their analysis, including: Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Paula Deen; Community, Game of Thrones, Duck Dynasty, Toddlers and Tiaras, Talking Dead, Breaking Bad, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Army Wives, The Newsroom, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E.; as well as ESPN’s TrueHoop Network and Yahoo’s Ball Don’t Lie; and cosplay.
Contributions by: Benjamin Brojakowski, Jason Roy Burnett, Ryan Cassella, Garret Castleberry, Matthew Collins, Ted M. Dickinson, Marsha Ducey, Dan Faltesek, Krystal Fogle, Brian Geltzeiler, Steve Granelli, Michel M. Haigh, Leandra Hinojosa Hernández, Laura Kane, Shaughan A. Keaton, Jenny Ungbha Korn, Julia E. Largent, Corey Jay Liberman, William E. Loges, Kathryn L. Lookadoo, Christopher A. Medjesky, Darcey Morris, Sabrina K. Pasztor, Mike Plugh, Alane L. Presswood, Brody J. Ruihley, Alison F. Slade, Danielle M. Stern, Cynthia W. Walker, Nicholas Watanabe Nicholas Watanabe, Shelley Wigley